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Apply for a Grant Online


Constellation Communities Trust Grant Application

Organisation Information
Successful grants criteria:
  • Make sure you enclose two competitive quotes for goods or services to be paid for by the grant.

  • Make sure you enclose a bank deposit slip.

  • Make sure the application is for items that have not already been purchased.

  • Enclose evidence that your organisation is affiliated or aligned with a national body.

  • Make sure two senior members of the organisation sign the application (last step)

  • Enclose a copy of your certificate of incorporation.

  • Enclose a copy of your minutes that record your organisation’s resolution to apply for funding to Constellation Communities Trust Limited.

  • If applying for salary, please attach a signed employment contract and job description.

  • Enclose a copy of your latest audited accounts.


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Main Contact Person

We declare that:
• The information provided in this application form is true and correct to the best of our knowledge.
• We have the authority to make this application on behalf of the applicant.
• This application has not been completed by a person who has any management or ownership interest in a Constellation Communities Trust Limited venue that hosts gaming machines (“a gaming machine venue key person”).
• When any grant money is obtained the pers
ons who decide how that money is spent will not be Constellation Communities Trust Limited gaming machine venue key persons.
• When any grant money is obtained a check will be undertaken and no payment will be made from grant money to any Constellation Communities Trust Limited gaming machine venue key person for any goods or service
. We (the undersigned) make a solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true and by virtue of the Oaths and Declarations Act 1957.
NOTE - before submitting application, please ensure you have read the grant information fully

Thank you for your applIcation! We will be in touch soon

Information on Grant
Constellation Communities Trust Limited’s authorised purpose includes (but is not limited to):

•     promoting any amateur game or sport as a means of achieving any charitable purpose, including:
    •    children and/or young persons deriving benefits of an educational or academic nature; and/or
    •    participants deriving health benefits from participation in physical activity and/or organised competitions; and/or
    •    persons or organisations deriving educational or training benefits from the development of facilities.
•     promoting non-professional community health and well-being and educational activities operated by the Millennium Institute of Sport and Health and NorthSport Academy; and
•     educational, cultural, health, environmental, recreational or philanthropic activities provided all those activities are conducted for charitable purposes.
Priority will normally be given to applications for:
•     non-professional community health and wellbeing and educational activities operated by the Millennium Institute of Sport and Health and 
NorthSport Academy; and
•     amateur sport where the applicant is based in the same region where Constellation Communities Trust has venues and where there is a high level of public participation.

• Clothing, playing strips and playing uniforms for teams who have members aged 12 years and over.
• Dress uniforms, jackets, polo shirts, warm-up and wet weather apparel, sports bags, footwear, socks or promotional tee shirts (for people of any age).
• Social events, e.g. school balls, family reunions, entertainment in pubs or clubs, sporting trips for supporters or spectators, or after-match functions for sporting groups.
• Personal or commercial gain.
• Professional sport.
• Non-affiliated “social” sports clubs (such as corporate leagues).
• Clothing, playing strips and playing uniforms for teams who have members aged 12 years and over.
• Dress uniforms, jackets, polo shirts, warm-up and wet weather apparel, sports bags, footwear, socks or promotional tee shirts (for people of any age).
• Social events, e.g. school balls, family reunions, entertainment in pubs or clubs, sporting trips for supporters or spectators, or after-match functions for sporting groups.
• Personal or commercial gain.
• Professional sport.
• Non-affiliated “social” sports clubs (such as corporate leagues).

The grant must be used only for the specific purpose for which the application was made and spent within 3 months of the grant being made.

Copies of invoices, receipts and bank statements must be provided to Constellation Communities Trust Limited within 3 months of the grant being made to verify that the grant has been used in accordance with the purpose approved. Any grant money which is not spent on the purpose approved must be returned to Constellation Communities Trust Limited within 3 months of the grant being made.

We agree to reimburse Constellation Communities Trust Limited for all costs incurred (including legal costs on a solicitor/ client basis) in recovering any outstanding grant money.

We agree to comply with any request from an officer of the Department of Internal Affairs and/or a representative from Constellation Communities Trust Limited for additional information in relation to how the monies received from Constellation Communities Trust Limited have been spent.

We also agree that an officer of the Department of Internal Affairs may direct an audit or inspection of the books, accounts, or data systems in which the proceeds of the grant have been deposited, by a Chartered Accountant and/or an officer of the Department of Internal Affairs.

We agree that the audit or inspection will be carried out in such a manner approved by the Department, within the time frame specified by the Department.
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